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Mining Week Kazakhstan 2024

Vom 25. Juni 2024 
bis zum 27. Juni 2024

June 25-27, 2024

Karaganda. Kazakhstan

Innovation. Performance. Reliability.

The HBT Group is an international amalgamation of high-performing companies that combine their strengths to provides turn-key solutions for the mining, manufacturing, infrastructure and electrification industries. 

The HBT Group comprises of the innovative brands of HBT, Hauhinco, Breuer Motoren, Advantec and Pempek Systems to offer a comprehensive portfolio of technology, machinery, technology, components, and services tailored to our customers. Our solutions are tailored to meet you mining and tunneling demands, including longwall mining systems, room & pillar equipment, roadheaders, water hydraulic systems, electric motors, fluids & lubricants, electrical engineering, and automation & control technology requirements.


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