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Power Distribution Centers


HBT transformers convert electrical voltage for feeding into low-voltage switchgear. Dry-type transformers work without liquid insulating materials. Environmental pollution and the risk of fire are reduced to a minimum. This is why HBT transformers are ideal for use under extreme climatic conditions.

produktion 04


  • Modular design for quick service and repair
  • Up to 12 outlets on the low-voltage side
  • Group and individual multilevel outlet protection
  • Connectivity to working tools and lighting
  • Transportable under the cage in the shaft

Our flameproof transformers are suitable for operation in underground mining in potentially explosive areas (Group I – Category M2). Depending on the requirements, the transformers can be used in shaft and tunnel systems that are not endangered by mine gas.

The transformers are available in two designs:

  • with integrated connection boxes for high-voltage and low-voltage side
  • with integrated switching device

HBT transformers are designed to provide power distribution for road headers, belt conveyors, shuttle cars, fans, and lighting.

Type PDC:
400 kVA, 630 kVA, 1000 kVA, 1250 kVA

Input voltage:
6 kV

Output Voltage:
380 V; 660 V; 1140; 3300 V


You need further product information or like to request a quote? Just contact us.