Born underground
Plow Systems

Plow Systems


The HBT gliding plow system GH1600 was specifically developed for very hard coal and high productivity by doubling the installed power of the GH800 to 1600 kW with 2 x 800 kW (2,160 hp with 2 x 1,080 hp). It can be used in seams from approximately 0.9 m (35.4 in) up to 2.3 m (91 in) with a portal arm.

Top Specs

Cutting Height:
1.1 – 2.3 m (43 – 90.5 in)

Installed Power
2 x 800 kW (2 x 1,080 hp)

5600-8600 kg (12,345-18,960 lb)

The plow guide is also casted to withstand the significantly higher reactionary forces. The plow guide is designed to provide minimum friction between plow guide and plow chain.

The plow body design of the GH1600 is like the GH800, but the main elements – including the plow bits – were upgraded to handle twice the installed power. This next-generation HBT plow system has been working successfully in several longwalls since 2003 – achieving production world records for thin seams.

Specifications / Technical Data


Plow Length – Single Plow2969 mm9.74 ft
Plow Heights980-1230 mm
1180-1480 mm
1445-1745 mm
3.22-4.04 ft
3.87-4.86 ft
4.73-5.73 ft
Plow Heights (with gobside support)1860-2160 mm6.10-7.08 ft
Mechanical Height Adjustment180-300 mm0.59-0.98 ft
Cutting Depth210 mm0.69 ft
Weights5600-8600 kg12,345-18,960 lb
Bottom Bit Positions
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4

+12 mm
-10 mm
-21 mm
-35 mm

+0.04 ft
–0.03 ft
–0.07 ft
–0.11 ft
Maximum Drive Power2 × 800 kW2 × 1,080 hp


Plow Body Setup Option 1 Plow Body Setup Option 2 Plow Body Setup Option 3 Plow Body Setup Option 4
1: 1211 mm, 3.97 ft 1: 1211 mm, 3.97 ft 1: 1211 mm, 3.97 ft 1: 1211 mm, 3.97 ft
2: 2969 mm, 9.74 ft 2: 2969 mm, 9.74 ft 2: 2969 mm, 9.74 ft 2: 2969 mm, 9.74 ft
3: 931 mm, 3.05 ft 3: 931 mm, 3.05 ft 3: 931 mm, 3.05 ft 3: 931 mm, 3.05 ft
4: – 4: 264 mm, 0.87 ft 4: 529 mm, 1.74 ft 4: 944 mm, 3.10 ft
5: – 5: 285 mm, 0.94 ft 5: 285 mm, 0.94 ft 5: 285 mm, 0.94 ft
6: 1230 mm, 4.04 ft 6: 1480 mm, 4.86 ft 6: 1745 mm, 5.73 ft 6: 2160 mm, 7.09 ft
7: 1032 mm, 3.38 ft 7: 541 mm, 1.77 ft 7: 1132 mm, 3.71 ft 7: 1132 mm, 3.71 ft
8: 578 mm, 1.89 ft 8: 578 mm, 1.89 ft 8: 578 mm, 1.89 ft 8: 578 mm, 1.89 ft

All dimensions are approximate.

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Plow System GH1600