Born underground
Armored Face Conveyors
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Armored Face Conveyors (AFC)

No matter how fast your shearer can cut, you can’t keep cutting until you move the coal away from the face. HBT Armored Face Conveyors (AFCs) are designed to provide the user with maximum carrying capacity together with maximum face length or panel width. They are designed for high availability and economy in operation. HBT face conveyor systems are easy to maintain and offer long service life and a great return on investment to mine operators.


HBT AFCs excel through cutting-edge technology, quality, experience, and superior product support.

Our engineers invented the AFC in the early 1940s. Of the ten most productive mines in the world, eight use our face conveyors. Several systems have successfully operated in 350 to 470 m (1,150 to 1,540 ft) faces producing up to 5000 tonnes (5,512 tons) per hour and 10 million tonnes (11 million tons) per year. Our experience and track record are unmatched in super-long and high-capacity face conveyors.

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From AFC tail drive to entry belt conveyor return end, HBT AFC systems are suitable for a variety of performance requirements in low, medium, and high seams, for short and long faces.

HBT face conveyors meet the demand of today’s high-capacity shearers and automated plow systems. The state-of-the-art line pans are engineered for minimum wear and maximum service life, allowing you to use high-horsepower face conveyors for extended face lengths. Drive frames are designed for the desired transport capacity, taking entry dimensions and prevailing mine conditions into account.

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A line Pan for Every Need

The line pan is the backbone of the AFC – literally. It not only conveys material from the face, but also acts as the counterfort for the roof supports and as the guide rail for the shearer – with traction forces of up to 2000 kN (449 lbf). HBT offers a range of line pans to suit different needs. These range from the PF3 for capacities of up to 1 300 tonnes (1,433 tons) per hour to the PF7 with a capacity of 6 200 tonnes (6,834 tons) per hour.

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Product Models

Armored Face Conveyor


For Production Capacities up to 1300 tonnes (1,433 tons)…
Armored Face Conveyor


For Production Capacities up to 3500 tonnes (3,858 tons)…
Armored Face Conveyor


For Production Capacities up to 5000 tonnes (5,512 tons)…
Armored Face Conveyor


Hybrid Line Pan. For Production Capacities up to 5000 tonnes (5,512 tons)…
Armored Face Conveyor


For Production Capacities up to 6200 tonnes (5,834 tons)…
Armored Face Conveyor


For Heavy-Duty Applications. For Production Capacities 5000 tonnes (5,512 tons)…


You need further product information or like to request a quote? Just contact us.